Lenders and Real Estate Professionals
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Information for Single-Family Lending and Real Estate Professionals
Training for Loan Officers,
Real Estate Professionals, and
Nonprofit Service Providers
Commission Home Loan Programs and Homebuyer Education Instructor Training
Advanced Downpayment Assistance Training
Back Office Training - Processors/Closers/Underwriters only
Training to Originate Commission Home Loan Programs and/or Teach Commission-Sponsored Homebuyer Education Seminars
If you've attended loan officer training in the past and are not certain if you need to attend again, please contact Corinna Obar at 206-287-4414 or corinna.obar@wshfc.org before registering or if you have questions about the training.
Notice: Until further notice, all of our Commission Home Loan Programs & Homebuyer Education Instructor Trainings will be held virtually over Zoom. Classes will be split into 2 days, with the Home Loan Programs Training from 8:30 AM to Noon the first day and the Homebuyer Education Instructor Training from 9:00 AM to Noon the second day.
VISA, MC, AMEX, Diners Club, Discover | $20 non-refundable cancellation fee included:
March 6th & 7th, 2025 | Virtual | REGISTER
Lending Professionals: $60
To originate Home Loan Programs but not teach homebuyer education classes, attend the first day only. To originate and teach, must attend both days. The fee is the same, regardless.
Real Estate Professionals: $110
Includes 6 Clock Hours. Must attend both days.
Nonprofit Professionals: $60 for first attendee
$10 for each additional attendee (up to total of five). Must attend both days.