501(c)(3) Nonprofit Housing Bonds

Nonprofit Housing Bonds provide 501(c)(3) organizations that have housing in their mission with access to tax-exempt bond financing.


Nonprofit HousingOVERVIEW

Nonprofit housing bonds can be used to finance housing facilities wholly owned by a 501(c)(3) organization, as long as the facility furthers the charitable purpose of the organization. Nonprofit bonds or 501(c)(3) bonds cannot be combined with Low-Income Housing Tax Credit; however, nonprofit 501(c)(3) bonds are less restrictive regarding the types of units that can be financed as well as facility amenities. Nursing beds can be financed for example as well as amenities like commercial kitchens and laundry facilities, as long as they are serving the needs of the building residents or within the mission of the nonprofit organization.

Applications are accepted at any time.

There is no competitive application process for this program.


What your lender will want to know (PDF)

Nonprofit Guide to Complying with Tax Laws After the Bond Issue (PDF)

List of Eligible Underwriters (PDF)

Program Costs


Nonprofit Housing Bond Program Application


Nonprofits can use bonds to finance most housing facilities not intended for individual ownership including nursing homes. Proceeds can be used for:


Acquisition (including land for future use)


Refinance of existing capital debt

Pre-Development costs, such as architectural, engineering, accounting, legal costs directly related to project can also be included in the above financing activities.


The full range of living options provided by nonprofit organizations can be financed:

Independent living units (apartments)

Assisted living units

Nursing beds

CCRCs (continuing care retirement communities)

Group homes / special needs populations

Emergency shelters / facilities for the homeless


Please contact us if you would like to know more about the Nonprofit Housing Bond Program at 206-464-7139 or 800-767-4663 or:

Keri Williams, Nonprofit & Community Outreach Lead, 206-287-4404,

Dan Schilling, Senior Bond/Housing Credit Analyst, 206-858-3815,


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