Information for Single-Family Lending and Real Estate Professionals
Program Announcement

February 5, 2021
Help Get Your Offers Accepted with Our New Flyer!

Dear Lending and Real Estate Partners,

Great News!!

You know how valuable and reliable Commission programs are. But does everyone know?

Sometimes misinformation can get to them first -- and in this extremely competitive market, that could lead them to reject your borrower's offer.

To counter this, we've developed a new one-page flyer to assure lenders and real-estate professionals that Commission loans are fast, easy, and guaranteed.

Feel free to attach it to your loan pre-approval letters and your clients' purchase offers. It’s a simple step you can take to spread the word that Commission programs are a win-win for everyone.

You can also find the new one-page flyer in the Homebuyer Brochures and Flyers section on our Lender page and in the promotional materials section on our Real Estate Pros page.

Any questions or other ideas on how the Commission can help you and your borrowers?

Just email me

Thanks for your help!

Corinna Obar

Manager, Homeownership Division


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