Information for Single-Family Lending and Real Estate Professionals
Program Announcement

February 28, 2018
Lower Rates for House Key Opportunity

Spring Special--Limited Time

Don’t forget that in addition to Home Advantage, we still offer the House Key Opportunity program—a great opportunity for your lower-income borrowers to qualify.

That’s because even in this rapidly increasing rate environment, the rates for Opportunity are more stable than the open market.

And for a limited time, we’re offering even lower rates on Opportunity first mortgages*

3.75% – 1 point origination for FHA, VA and USDA loans

4.00% – 1 point origination for conventional loans

The new rates apply to new reservations made on the Emphasys system on or after March 1, 2018, at 9:00 am PT.

Get re-acquainted with the Opportunity Program, and connect your borrowers today.


This notice only applies to the House Key Opportunity program. The Home Advantage program is not affected by this notice.

All other terms and conditions for House Key Opportunity still apply.

Existing reservations under other Commission programs cannot be cancelled and re-reserved to receive a lower rate.

As always, no reservation can be made until the borrower(s) completes a Commission-sponsored homebuyer education seminar and has a fully executed purchase and sale agreement.

The Commission will continue to strictly enforce our reservation policies. If a loan is reserved and found in violation of Commission policy, the loan will be subject to worst-case pricing regardless of circumstances.

Habitat for Humanity rates:

Also, lower rates apply for borrowers purchasing a Habitat for Humanity home through an approved affiliate member of Habitat for Humanity of Washington State. A copy of the purchase and sale agreement showing Habit for Humanity as seller must be uploaded at time of reservation:

3.25% – 1 point origination for FHA, VA and USDA loans

3.50% – 1 point origination for conventional loans

* Please note: Program interest rates are market driven and can change at any time without advance notice. You can always find our current rates on our website.

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