Information for Single-Family Lending and Real Estate Professionals
Program Announcement

August 25, 2015
Electronic Upload of Files Mandatory Beginning 9/15/15

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission and ServiSolutions would like to announce that effective September 15, 2015, both agencies will require the electronic upload of pre-closing compliance, post-closing compliance, and purchase delivery files through the Mitas system.

Beginning September 15, 2015, both agencies will no longer accept pre/post-closing compliance file submissions or purchase file delivery submitted via email (homedocs) or regular mail.*

The Commission will begin accepting electronic file uploads effective immediately. ServiSolutions will begin accepting electronic submissions on September 8, 2015. Beginning September 15, 2015 electronic file uploads will be mandatory.

Please note: If a pre/post-closing compliance file or purchase file has been received by the Commission or ServiSolutions in paper or email (pdf attachment) format prior to September 15, 2015 it must be completed in the same manner. No partial paperless/paper files please!

Detailed instructions for uploading pre- and post-closing compliance files through the Mitas system may be viewed here:

All participating lenders are required to have a minimum of one Closer/Shipper attend online training on how to upload purchase files electronically to ServiSolutions.

Training dates/times are as follows:

August 27 at 10:00 AM PST

August 28 at 10:00 AM PST

September 1 at 10:00 AM PST

September 2 at 2:00 PM PST

As space is limited, please register for training at

Additional trainings will be scheduled as needed.

For closed files sent for purchase to ServiSolutions, there is a $40 per loan fee to transfer these files to ServiSolutions’ Emphasys system. This fee is netted from the lender’s proceeds at the time of loan purchase.

*Electronic upload policy exclusions - Lenders are still required to mail the hardcopy original endorsed Note to ServiSolutions. Also, for specialty downpayment assistance files (Seattle, ARCH, Bremerton, Tacoma, & Pierce County) where federal funds are used, original executed disclosures will still be needed as applicable and will not be accepted electronically.

The Commission and ServiSolutions appreciate your assistance as we transition to paperless submissions!

Manual Updates:

New Recapture Limits for House Key and MCC have also been posted.


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