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Approved Market Study Providers
Approved providers have met the minimum qualifications for the Tax Credit Market Study Requirement. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement by the Commission.
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Active WSHFC Multifamily Rental Properties (Excel) 08/2017
HUD-subsidized apartment search
ACACIA Realty Advisors
4429 W. 25th Place, Lawrence, KS 66047
Phone: 678.362.9909
Email: Richard.bennesch@acacia-know.com
Approved Providers: Richard Bennesch and Jeffery Thompson, MAI
Service Area: All counties in Washington
Appraisal & Consulting Group, LLC
1516 NE 37th Avenue, Suite 210, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503.310.1200
Email: Brendan.Romtvedt@acgrpllc.com
Approved Provider: Brendan D. Romtvedt, David Groth
Service Area: All counties in Washington
Appraisal Innovations, Inc.
2736 NE Weidler St., Ste. 100, Portland, OR 97232-1747
Phone: 503.288.5744 Fax: 503.288.5434
Email: appraisalinnovations@msn.com
Approved Providers: Will R. Lee, MAI
Service Area: All counties in Washington
Auble, Jolicoeur and Gentry
324 N. Mullen Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Phone: 509.747.0999 Fax:509.747.3559
Email: kcopley@valbridge.com
Approved Providers: Bruce C. Jolicoeur, MAI; Karen K. Meek, MAI; Vicki K.
Mundlin, MAI,
Service Area: Spokane, Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas,
Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, Kittitas, Okanogan, Pend
Oreille, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima
Bowen National Research
155 E. Columbus Street, Suite 220, Pickerington, OH 43147
Phone: 614.833.9300
Website: www.bowennational.com
Approved Providers: Patrick Bowen and Ben Braley
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Cambridge Partners & Associates, Inc.
500 N. Plum Grove Rd., Palatine, IL 60067
Phone: 847-776-1976
Email: jlemperis@cambridge-partners.com
APPROVED Providers: James E. Lemperis
Service Areas: All counties in Washington
CBRE Valuation & Advisory Services
1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.292.1600 Fax: 206.292.1601
Email: todd.henderson@cbre.com; robert.morton@cbre.com;
Approved Providers: Todd Henderson, MAI; Robert Morton; Whitney B. Haucke,
Service Area: All counties in WA
CC Consulting partnered w/ Pacific Appraisal Assoc., PLLC
2961 Riviera Blvd., Malaga, WA 98828
Phone: 509.665.9787
Approved Providers: Roxanna L. Nanto, Dennis S. Johnson, MAI, CRE, Brian T.
Vincent, Cheri Farivar
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Colliers International Valuation & Advisory Services
1325 4th Ave. Ste. 1900, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.965.1129 Fax: 206.965.1229
Email: john.campbell@colliers.com
Approved Providers: John Campbell; Cory Hutsell, MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Columbia Valuation Group, Inc. – Seattle
(McAuliffe & McMahon)
2402 NW 195th Place, Shoreline WA 98177
Phone: 206.364.8580 Fax: 206.364.8556
Email: mmcmahon@cvgseattle.com
Approved Providers: Kevin H. McAuliffe, MAI; Michael J. McMahon, MAI; Kevin J.
Congleton, Peter F. Nichols, James W. Rose, Bruce A. Terrey
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Concepts in Community Living, Inc.
15900 SE 82nd Drive, Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: 503.255.4647 Fax: 503.255.5929
Email: ccl@ccliving.com Website: www.ccliving.com
Approved Providers: Esa Murrell
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
CTS Capital Advisors, LLC
7315 Wisconsin Ave., #500E, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 240.441.7265
Email: mshekel@ctsca.com
Approved Provider: Michael B. Shekel
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Cushman & Wakefield
200 SW Market Street, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97201
Phone: 503.279.1747 Fax: 503.279.1791
Email: mark.bryant@cushwake.com
Approved Provider: Mark Bryant
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.521.0231 Fax: 206.521.0299
Email: : Jennifer.forschler@cushwake.com | andy.noble@cushwake.com
Approved Provider: Jennifer Forschler, MAI / Andy Noble, MAI, MRICS
Service Area: All counties in Washington
Danter Company
363 East Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614.221.9096 Fax: 614.221.4271
Email: info@danter.com Website: www.danter.com
Approved Providers: Ken Danter, Jim Beery, Patrick Clark, Patrick A. Scales, Anthony Ledakis, Michael Wilkos
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Doyle Advisors
1601 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.231.9900 Website: http://doyleadvisors.com
Approved Providers: John E. Doyle
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Ferrarini & Associates, Inc.
11779 SE Hwy 212, Ste. 206, Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone:503.723.4777 Fax: 503.723.7221
Email: steve@ferraniniadvisors.com
Approved Providers: Steve Ferrarini; Martha Nix
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Fidelity Appraisal, Inc.
PO Box 4677, Rolling Bay, WA 98061
Phone: 206.780.2173 Fax: 206.913.0329
Email: mike@fidelityappraisal.com
Approved Providers: G. Michael Kirchoff,MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
E.D. Hovee and Company
P.O. Box 225, 951 Officers Row
Vancouver, WA 98666
Phone: 360.696.9870 Fax: 360.696.8453
Email: edhovee@edhovee.com Website: www.edhovee.com
Approved Providers: Eric Hovee, Darren Wertz
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Griffin Consulting
2627 W. Laguna Azul Avenue
Mesa, Arizona 85202
Phone: 480.820.3666 Cell: 480.309.0885
Email: griffinconsult@cox.net
Approved Providers: Brian J. Smargiassi, Principal & Owner
Service Area: all counties in Washington
Harrison Appraisal Services, INC.
14304 221st Avenue Northeast
Woodinville, WA 98077
Phone: 206.909.3438
Email: Ld.harrison@comcast.net
Approved Providers: Linda D. Harrison, MAI
Service Area: all counties in Washington
J & K Enterprises, Marketing and Management Consultants
PO Box 10386, Ft. Smith, AR 72917
Phone: 479.452.0848
Email: jandkenterprises@worldnet.att.net
Approved Providers: James Young, James T. Young
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
JLL Value and Risk Advisory
601 Union Street, Suite 2800, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 818.421.1469
Email: Blake.Wynott@jll.com
Approved Providers: Blake Wynott
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Johnson Gardner, LLC
520 SW 6th Avenue, Ste. 914, Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 503.295.7832 Fax: 503.295.1107
Email: jwj@johnson-gardner.com
Approved Providers: Jerald Johnson; Matthew Gardner; Karl Lucke; Bill Reid;
Jason Ackerman
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Kidder Mathews
601 Union Street, Ste. 4720, Seattle, WA 98101/500 108th Avenue NE, Ste.
2400, Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 206.205.0207 Fax: 206.205.0220/Phone: 425.283.5783 Fax:
Email: garyk@kiddermathews.com; jeremys@kiddermathews.com; jgordon@kiddermathews.com;
Approved Providers: Gary C. Klockenteger; Jeremy Streufert; John D. Gordon,
MAI; Steve Casteele
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Kinetic Valuation Group
PO Box 68
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Phone: 402.202.0771
Email: jaywortmann@leacompany.com
Approved Providers: Jay Wortmann
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Lamb Hanson Lamb
Appraisal Associates Inc.
650 S Orcas Street, Ste. 114, Seattle, WA 98108
Phone: 206.903.1500 Fax: 206.903.0648
Email: mlamb@lambhansonlamb.com bnaumann@lambhansonlamb.com
Approved Providers: Michael B. Lamb, Christopher S. Eldred, Valerie A. Dreas,
Norman A. Strickland, Edward Boyle, and William K. Naumann
Service Area:King, Snohomish, Pierce, Kitsap, Thursten, Yakima, Benton and
Franklin counties. Available to work in other areas on a case by case basis.
Laurin Associates, Inc.
PO Box 7215, Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Phone: 916.725.1181 Fax: 916.725.0215
Email: barry@laurinassociates.com
1501 Sports Drive, Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: 916.372.6100 Fax: 916.419.6108
Email: jraab@laurinassociates.com
Approved Providers: Barry G. Polster, Melinda Y. Coy, Phillip A. Nichols,
Michael R. Martin, Gregory Poseley, Shandy
Vitato, Jayne Raab
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Lembeck Appraisal & Consulting, Inc.
316 W. Boone Ave., Suite 850 Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: 509.326.4130 ext. 109 Fax: 509.326.4148
Approved Providers: Jeffrey D. Lembeck, MAI; Mike Bousley
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Market Advantage REVAC (Real Estate Valuation and Consulting), LLC
101 Arch Street
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617.488.3471
Email: bud.clarke@bfim.com
Approved Providers: Bud Clarke, MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Market Objective, Inc.
5480 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1114, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3530
Phone: 301.913.0113 Fax: 301.913.0114
Email: usman@marketobjective.com
Approved Providers: Usman Mustafa
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Marshall & Stevens, Incorporated
350 5th Avenue, Suite 4100, New York, NY 10118
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Phone: 646.438.7602
Email: cgu@marshall-stevens.com
Approved Providers: Catherine Gu, MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
McKee & Schalka Real Estate Appraisal Services & Consultants,
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1805, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.343.8909 Fax: 206.386.5777
Email: john@msreal.com
Approved Providers: John C. Schalka, MAI, CRE
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
2410 North Forest Road, Amherst, NY 14068
Phone: 716.628.6667
Email: Joe.Sievert@nmrk.com
Approved Providers: Joe Sievert, M. Scott Allen, and Christopher J. Mealy, MAI, MRICS, ASA
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Nova Investment Realty Analysis
516 S. Maple Street, Canby, OR 97013
Phone: 503.266.2880 Fax: 503.266.2884
Email: mguthner@canby.com
Approved Providers: Maureen Guthner, MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Novogradac & Company, LLP
1300 114th Avenue SE, Suite 240, Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 425.453.5783
Email: brad.weinberg@novoco.com Website: www.novoco.com
Approved Providers: Brad Weinberg, MAI;
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Novogradac & Company, LLP
1160 Battery Street, East Building, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415.356.8000 Fax: 415.356.8001
Email: michelle.go@novoco.com Website: www.novoco.com
Service Areas: All Counties in Washington
O’Connor Consulting Group, LLC
500 Union St., Ste. 650 Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.622.5100 Fax: 206.622.5111
Email: katiem@ocgp.com
Approved Providers: Brian R. O’Connor
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
PMD Advisory Services LLC
1139 Riverwalk Court, Hebron, KY 41048
Phone: 859.689.9420
Email: micharl.starke@pmdas.com
Approved Providers: Michael J. Starke and Scott Merusi
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
PGP Valuation, Inc.
112 West 11th Street, Suite 250, Vancouver, WA 98660
Phone: 360.699.4844 Fax: 360.699.1904
Email: vancouver@pgpinc.com
Approved Providers: Mark Lawwill, Kristi Cherry
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Prior & Associates
501 South Cherry Street,#600, Denver, CO 80246
Phone: 303.861.2728
Email: info@priorandassociates.com
Approved Providers: John Prior, Thad Rahn, Tyler Borrowy, Jet Douglas,
Benjamin Weiner, Jarrett Nave, Christopher Johnson
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Property Dynamics
15625 NE 191st Street, Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone: 425.489.9780 Fax: 425.806.0760
Email: gmfahey@comcast.net
Approved Providers: Greg Fahey, Diane Fahey
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Ribacchi-Weck, Inc.
10301 Placer Lane, #100, Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: 916.361.2509 Fax: 916.361.2632
Email: robweek@ribacchi.com
Approved Providers: Robin Week, Richard Ribacchi, Jeremy Fife, Adam Bursch,
Michael Comstock
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Seven Property
10544 Ravenna Ave. NE, Suite 3, Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: 206-402-4987
Email: galen@7property.com
Approved Provider: Galen R. Shorack
Service Area: Whatcom, Skagit, Island, Snohomish, King, Kitsap, Pierce,
Thurston, Jefferson
Sierra West Realty Advisors, Inc.
7150 Fir Loop, Suite 201, Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: 503.603.9986 Fax: 503.624.3709
Email: sierrawestl@msn.com
Approved Providers: Mike McHam
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
TJ Meenach Company
PO Box 30363, Spokane, WA 99223
Phone: 509.217.7687 Fax: 509.443.0594
Email: tjmeenach@msn.com
Approved Providers: TJ Meenach
Service Area: Spokane, Stevens, Whitman, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties. (other
counties negotiable)
Tellatin, Short and Hansen, Inc.
West Coast Division, 130 Salem Heights Avenue S, Salem, OR 97302
Phone: 503.485.5118 Fax: 425.955.2723
Email: hansen@tellatin.com
Approved Providers: Charles Mark Hansen, James K. Tellatin, Sterling E. Short
Service Area: All counties in Washington State
*Note: We specialize in senior housing and healthcare properties
The Gill Companies
512 N. One Mile Road, Dexter, MO 63841
Phone: 573.624.6614 or 800.428.3320 Fax: 573.624.2942
Email: jana.jones@gillgroup.com Website: www.thegillgroup.com
Approved Providers: Samuel L. Gill, Samuel T. Gill, Chad Gill, Janice Gill, Amy Earnheart, Jonathan Richmond, Jeff Hansen and Todd Poer
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
The Siegel Group
8911 Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 2210, Austin, TX 78759
Phone: 512.231.1077 Fax: 512.231.1078
Email: dlewis@siegelgrp.com
Approved Providers: Davonne J. Lewis, Scott D. Siegel, Monica Hayes Washington,
Charlotte L. Bergdorf and Keith L. McLane
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Valbridge Property Advisors | Inland Pacific Northwest
324 N. Mullan Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Phone: 509.747.0999 Fax:509.747.3559
Email: kmeek@valbridge.com
Approved Providers: Bruce C. Jolicoeur, MAI; Karen K. Meek, MAI; Vicki K.
Mundlin, MAI,
Service Area: Spokane, Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas,
Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, Kittitas, Okanogan, Pend
Oreille, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima
Vogt Strategic Insights
1310 Dublin Road, Columbus. OH 43215
Phone: 614.224.4300 Fax: 614.225.9505
Email: chips@vsinsights.com
Approved Providers: Robert Vogt, Andrew Mazak, Nathan Young, Jim Beery,
Jennifer Tristano, Jimmy Beery, Chuck Ewing, Jarrett Jordan, Tom Mowery
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Wilcox LaMotte Valuation & Advisory
109 NW 47th St, Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: 206.432.9059/206.402.6344
Email: matt.lamotte@wlva.com ben.wilcox@wlva.com
Approved Providers: Matt LaMotte, MAI and Ben Wilcox, MAI
Service Area: All Counties in Washington
Wm. T. Follis, Realtors
108 Prospect Street, Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: 360.734.5850 Fax: 360.734.5894
Email: follis@follisrealtors.com Website: www.follisrealtors.com
Approved Providers: W. Thomas Follis, Dee Stahl
Service Area: Northwest Washington- Whatcom, Skagit, Island and San Juan
Zenith Appraisal Service, Inc.
606 110th Avenue, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 425.453.1054 Fax: 425.454.6721
Email: tpzenithap@aol.com
Approved Providers: Thomas T. Peerenboom, MAI; Jefferson D. Hough; Katherine E.
Service Area: All Counties in Washington